Wednesday, April 14, 2010

In Case It Wasn't Obvious, Jesse James is a Douchebag.

In case it wasn't bad enough that Jesse James cheated on his wife, Sandra Bullock, with a fuckload of women and engaged in white supremacist bull shit to at least some degree, now we find out that he hates the gays, too. Radar Online reports:

In what appears to be a falling out between Jesse and two other men Jesse starts the correspondence by writing, “Now you guys will be able to Suck each others D***s without anyone giving you a hard time for it!

“That’s right! place is ‘f***ed up’..and the Two most ‘f***ed up’ things about my place are gone now!.....Don’t worry though you 2 f***ots will be fine!” Jesse continued. “Maybe Just Maybe? If you suck his d**k real hard he might even put you guys on TV!.......”

Several sources have confirmed to that Jesse has always had a problem with the gay community and is known for making gay slurs in the workplace. “He uses the word f***ot all the time,” an insider said. “It makes people really uncomfortable and it’s very inappropriate, but it flows out of his mouth just as naturally as ‘please’ or ‘thank you’ does with most people.”

How did someone like Sandra Bullock end up with this reject, anyhow?

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