Friday, May 29, 2009

New Melrose Place Has Bisexual Character

It's official, according to, there will be an updated version of Melrose Place, the 1990's series revolving around a group of twenty somethings living in an upscale Los Angeles apartment complex. The new version looks like it will stick to the same type of story lines as the original. The big news surrounding this new saga is that while the original included an openly gay man, this one will include a bisexual woman. She will be a very stylish publicist named Ella, played by Katie Cassidy. Ella's bisexuality is suppose to be revealed in the pilot episode during a kiss in a club. It is suppose to be a model type who catches Ella's eye and they share a passionate kiss. I hope this doesn't just turn into another, 'let's turn the males on but not really mean it' kind of situation. Regardless, it sounds like it's going to be pretty hot to watch!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Big surprise. A bi woman sells better than a gay man.

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