Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Charlize doesn't promote homophobia

Charlize Theron is yet another star that has spoken up in support of gay marriage and against the California Supreme Court's decision to uphold Proposition 8.
She was quoted saying:
"I am deeply disappointed by the Supreme Court's ruling on Prop 8 today. I don't agree with homophobia or discrimination of any kind. I will continue to fight this fight for equality and speak up for the basic civil rights of all Americans."

Seriously, how many people does it take to point out this blatant hate. Regardless, the more people that speak up the better!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Obama....America is about to move backward a few steps. So sad, so very sad.

I wonder how long it will be before the conservatives decided to take away Canadian rights to marry...

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