Thursday, October 30, 2008

Terminator OK with Gay

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger released his positions on the 12 propositions today, including a NO for Prop 8. This one sort of surprised me. I haven't been listening to anything he had to say about the issue for a while, but honestly, he best I thought we'd get out of this guy was a neutral. This is good news. Except that I had to try to type Schwarzenegger over and over again. What a terrible name. Can you imagine being the telemarketer who called him (before he was famous, people, use your imagination). Or to have to fill out that name in paperwork all the time? It's a seriously long name, and I have to double check every time I type it to make sure I didn't slip a "T" in there.

But, yeah, way to go, Arnie.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

thats good to hear :)

haha schwarzen(egger)...that is so typical for austria ;)

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