Monday, June 9, 2008

Rufus Wainwright Hates Toronto

Rufus Wainwright tells The Guardian just how much he hates good old TO.

"I'll never go back to ….Toronto. I can't stand it - the place drives me mad. I'm allowed to say this because I'm Canadian. I have friends there, I work there, but I find it really hard to like. I will have to go back there, but I wish I didn't have to. It's trying to be the New York of the Midwest. I much prefer Montreal."

I prefer Montreal, myself, but really, what's so bad about Toronto? There are some pretty amazing people and things out that way, and if it's trying too hard to be New York, then what would you say Montreal is trying to be?
Or is it just so cool because it isn't trying at all? I never could keep up with the cool kids...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, as a Montrealer ... Montreal is a tad, shall we say, insecure. Until around the late 90s, anxious Toronto-bashing was a big fad among Montrealers, particularly anglophones.

As Montreal has matured, that has kind of gone out of style, although it is still in vogue among recent Montreal transplants anxious to show how down they are with their new city. If Rufus is still on the TO-bashing bandwagon I can only assume he doesn't get back to MTL often enough to realize that that's sort of played out.

The ironic thing is that just about every Torontonian I've ever met raves about MTL. The other ironic thing is that in Canada there is no such geographic region as the "Midwest"...
