Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I Kissed a Girl Video

I Kissed A Girl

Not the adorable Jill Sobule one. This is the Katy Perry one. I'm not really a fan. The beat is ok, but the song to me is all about those annoying straight girls who make life difficult for bi girls everywhere.

And because this song will always make me think of the other one, here's the video for that. I like it much better.


Anonymous said...

Jill Sobule was pretty fun about the new song on her blog:

"a cynical friend of mine said the new IKAG made her want to go straight. But like I said, I am not passing judgment."

Anonymous said...

I wish the Katy Perry version wasn't so catchy because it is truly offensive. Although, anything on the radio that supports kissing a girl makes me a little happy....

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