Sunday, July 11, 2010

Katy Perry Is An Idiot

I know this isn't exactly gay related but Katy Perry is such an idiot that I think this deserves a place on the blog. Especially since she has recently been slamming gay icons like Madonna and Lady Gaga. Her last verbal vomit:

It does not matter if its Madonna or my boyfriend doing it - if you put sexuality and religion in the same bottle and try to shake it up, its not cool.

The religious singer turned pop queen has brought us such wonderful hits as 'I kissed a Girl' (not sexual at all) and the visual assault in 'California Girls'. I'm finding this a wee bit hard to swallow. She expects people to take her serious when she attaches whip cream cans to her breasts and shoots them off during her video. I think she's just jealous of women who actually have talent.

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