Monday, May 3, 2010

Arnie Klein Says He Did Not Betray Michael Jackson.

Arnie Klein, Michael Jackson's friend and doctor, talked to TMZ and says that he does not feel that he has betrayed Michael Jackson by backing Jason Pfeiffer's account of their relationship.

Klein told us Saturday, "Was he gay? Yes." He then went on to say his declaration is meant to shoot down rumors that Jackson was a pedophile. And, Klein says, as far as he knows, Jason's alleged two-month relationship is the only gay relationship Jackson ever had.

I don't understand why people feel it would be a betrayal. Even if Jackson really wanted to stay in the closet for ever and ever, there are two important things to remember in this situation: 1) living a double life will catch up with you, especially a double life in the spot light, and 2) he's dead. It can't hurt his career at this point. And there's nothing that could hurt his reputation any more than the things that went on while he was still alive. And really, who the hell would threaten Klein for this sort of thing anyhow? Who really cares so very much about this guy's secret bedroom activities that they need to threaten his old doctor?And who allowed Klein to leave the house in that hat?

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