Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Jillian Michaels Wants Prefers Adoption to Getting Fat.

Jillian Michael's raised some eyebrows when she told Women's Health that she'd rather adopt a kid than put her body through a pregnancy. She also said that she prefers the idea of rescuing a child to producing a new one, but no one wants to focus on that because it isn't controversial. There have been a lot of comments saying that her statements were irresponsible or indicative of a lack of self esteem, but I'm going to disagree with everyone. It's nice to hear someone just say the truth. Pregnancy does horrifying things to the body. For some people that doesn't matter, and good for them. But that's not everyone. Pregnancy does some terrible things to the wallet, too, and that's reason enough for some people. If you choose not to reproduce, your choice. I defend her choice and applaud her honesty.

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